Drastic Technologies

Company Overview

Drastic’s long history in digital video has given it the tools to enhance baseband, IP video and file/codec workflows as both plug ins and standalone applications and servers. Developing plugins for the Adobe environment, Drastic allows direct access to raw camera sources, outputs to industry standard file/codec formats and connections to new standards like SMPTE-2110. By supporting Adobe native formats, like OpenMXF, advanced ‘edit while ingest’ workflows are also supported from SDI and IP Video (2110, 2022, RTSP, RTP & UDP). Most of these technologies are also available as SDKs to allow third party integration with Drastic and Adobe workflows.


Adobe Integrations Overview

Our file format plugins provide read support for camera raw and older QuickTime compression formats. The write plugins output MOV files for Apple workflows. Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC are supported.

Our Net-X-Code provides edit while ingest to Adobe Premiere Pro CC from SMPTE 2110/2002, RTP, RTSP and UDP. MediaNXS provides edit while recording from SDI and HDMI via OpenMXF or our plugins. 4kScope provides HDR/HLG vectorscope and waveform monitoring on the same system as Adobe products using a shard AJA video board.

Key Differentiators

Drastic specializes in enabling workflows. Our products are designed in conjunction with our customers to work with industry standards and partners to provide flexible workflow tools that encourage maximum media re-use.

Adobe Products we support:

  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Media Encoder
  • Adobe Premiere Pro